
  • Seldin #23, OHL , GF 14, Molt #9

Periosteal for reflecting and retracting the mucoperiosteum.

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US Elite Dental and Dentistry Products, Instruments.


Periosteal dental instruments for safe and effective dental surgery. For reflecting and retracting the mucoperiosteum. Periosteal elevator separate gum tissue from teeth and bone to give you room to operate.

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Periosteal – Molt # 9, Periosteal – Ohl, Periosteal – Seldin # 23, Periosteal GF 14, Periosteal W2


US Elite Inc. USA. Dental and dentistry tools, products, supplies.

US Elite Inc. Dental products and instruments for dentists, labs, and dentistry colleges.
US Elite Dental and Dentistry Products, Instruments.


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