49 in stock


  • Columbia Curettes are used supragingivally and subgingivally on enamel and root surfaces.
  • Hollow handles with an improved design that features enhanced tactile grip.
  • US Elite Columbia Curette #13/14, with a Stainless Steel #4 Hollow Handle.
  • US Elite Columbia Curettes are designed with 2 cutting edges and a rounded toe for use on all surfaces, making narrow pockets and furcations easier to reach and clean.
  • Premium Quality Surgical Stainless Steel.
  • 100% Warranty on all US Elite brand Instruments.
US Elite Dental and Dentistry Products, Instruments.


  • Universal Columbia Curette #13–14 with a #4 Hollow Handle made of stainless steel.
  • Surgical stainless steel of the highest calibre.


US Elite Inc. USA. Dental and dentistry tools, products, supplies.

US Elite Inc. Dental products and instruments for dentists, labs, and dentistry colleges.
US Elite Dental and Dentistry Products, Instruments.


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