From: $51.99

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The LuxaFlow System is the first compo-site formulated specifically for use as an add-on resin for Luxatemp and other bisacryl provisional materials. LuxaFlow and LuxaFlow Ultra are both ideal for blocking out undercuts and as a solution for enamel defects. They are also effective in creating a seal in the gingival interfaces. LuxaFlow’s composition provides optimum flow and non-slumping traits, both which help in repairing voids and mar-gins. LuxaFlow is available in A1, A2, A3.5, and B1 shades, and cures 2mm in 30 seconds under light.

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LuxaFlow DMG America

A1 Light, A2 Universal, A3.5 Dark, B1 Ultra-Lite, Introductory Package


DMG America


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